Shapeshifter - digital illustration/collage

Morning in the Urban Marsh - digital collage/illustration

Pagan Avatar - digital collage/illustration

Radiant Heart - digital collage/illustration. Created for front cover of a guided meditation CD.

Minor Revelation I - digital illustration

Minor Revelation II - digital illustration, incorporating original 35mm photography.

Elements I: Dream Toys - digital illustration

Elements II: Emergence - digital illustration

Elements III: Earth Dance - digital illustration

Elements IV: A Confluence of Apparitions - digital illustration

Elements V: Kindred Spirits - digital illustration

Elements VI: Radiate - digital illustration

Surfacing - digital illustration

Blue Dragon - digital collage/illustration. Commissioned work to be used as personal avatar for client.

CSETI Logo in 3D - digital illustration. Inspired by Charlie Balogh, who had a vision of the CSETI (Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence) logo in 3D, and described it in writing. This is my visual rendering and interpretation of his vision. This digital logo is now used widely throughout CSETI and Sirius Disclosure materials.

A Day at the Fair - digital illustration and photo manipulation of original photograph.

Breakaway tray card - digital collage/illustration used as tray card for CD cover of Grammy-winning pianist Paul Sullivan's album, Breakaway, with his group PS Jazz.

Mono Walk - All My Relations - digital vector illustration originally used as a proposed poster design for annual ceremonial walk by the Mono Nation. Adapted here into an art poster, with venue, date and other verbiage removed from the original layout.

Displaced Tiger - digital collage/illustration.

Counterbalance - digital collage/illustration, later adapted into an imagined CD cover for a jazz album.

Freeway Mandala - digital illustration, based on an original photograph of freeway overpass in Los Angeles, California.

Fly Meeting - digital illustration. An early piece.

Artifact I - digital illustration. A very early piece, created in the days before Photoshop supported layers.

Artifactoids - digital illustration. A very early piece, created in the days before Photoshop supported layers.

Stone Family - digital illustration. A very early piece, created in the days before Photoshop supported layers.